Gangstar: Miami Vindication For Mac

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Description: Enjoy the most immersive full-3D crime simulation ever on Mac! Gangstar: Miami Vindication has a new, unique feel that delivers a deep storyline of revenge: plunge into Miami gang life and live a fast-paced adventure to liberate your little brother who has been kidnapped by the Armada gang for unknown reasons “With its huge city, impressive voice acting, and competent controls, Miami Vindication is a big win for Gameloft” ( “An incredibly ambitious game” ( WELCOME TO MIAMI - A long lifespan, with more than 75 varied missions: infiltrate gangs, snipe enemies, escort witnesses, chase cars and survive the jungle of Miami. An amazing reconstruction of an entire sprawling metropolis with a massive open-ended environment that recreates Miami, including Downtown, Miami Beach, The Harbor, Miami Bay, and The Swamps. Beware of the Miami PD!

Gangstar miami vindication download

Thanks to the new improved AI, the cops will react intelligently and call for FBI reinforcements if needed. TONS OF NEW VEHICLES AND WEAPONS - New amazing vehicles to drive, from regular cars & motorcycles to boats, jet skis and even a helicopter! - Storyline missions will take you inside each of these vehicles as you race, chase and take on time trials. Defeat rival gang members by using a new arsenal of weapons including grenades, flame throwers and Molotov cocktails.

See just how it feels to blow out Miami! A UNIQUE FEELING OF REALISM - A deep storyline of revenge: the scenario was jointly written with a scriptwriter from the popular TV show, “The Wire” and is delivered by countless breathtaking, voice acted cutscenes. A true feeling of freedom: complete missions at your own pace and do absolutely anything you want, by day or by night. Follow Gameloft on Twitter to get more info about this game and all our upcoming titles at or read our official blog at The Gold Standard of iPhone Games - On the Mac - While maybe not a direct competitor to the GTA trilogy out on the Mac App Store for $15, Gangstar: Miami Vindication offers a level of fun that can't be found elsewhere. I remember when this came out for iPhone, I bought it on launch day and played it straight on through to the end. I thought it was unbelieveable that one could have a massive, open scrolling city to do whatever they wanted to in.

Gangstar miami vindication mac

So though just a direct port to the Mac of it's iPhone counterpart, Gangstar was the original full 3D GTA of the iPhone. Because this is just a port, that means that nothing - except for a few minor graphics revisions - has changed. The story, missions, characters and vehicles are all the same. Freshly squeezed software. However, this does not mean the game is great. The storyline is great, and makes you feel at home in Miami, especially when you learn your way around the city. Just cruising around the city in your favorite car listening to your favorite music is great. However, there are a few things to be desired.

As this is a Mac version, there should have beena major graphics overhaul. The graphics in this game are equal to that of maybe, and take this with a grain of salt, maybe GTA 3. So the graphics aren't perfect. Another thing is the shallowness of the storyline.

While fun, and considering the face that you grow on all the characters and are sad when, say, said events take place, the storyline is nowhere near as deep as one of those from GTA. Too few characters and turns to take to really make the storyline stand out. But is it still fun? So in the end, it's very much worth your money. This was really the iPhone game that 'started it all,' at least on the Mobile Platforms. Is the storyline that deep?

Is this game unbelievable? On the iPhone, yes, on the Mac, it's fun, but not unbelieveable. It's just the nostalgia of having this perticular revolutionary game on your Mac. So in the end, it's really more nostalgia than anything.

But is it nostalgic fun? Heck yes, it's unbelieveably fun. Is it worth your money? 5 stars for a classic game with some minor revisions. Gangstar has a lot catch up with. First,I will begin by explaining some of the technical issues that needs to be fixed.When I am in a shoot out and I'm aiming at an enemy or projectile, the bullet just goes elsewhere and it's very unaccurate.That needs to be fixed. Now, I will talk about the improvements that need to be made for this product to live up with it's major competitor which is 'Grand Theft Auto'.I know this game is a port because I completely finished this game on my iPhone 4.

To begin, the missions are way too short and easy.If you have ever seen a mission in Grand Theft Auto, you would know that some missions are almost impposible to pass. The missions in this game are very easy. Next, the graphics are very old style, and maybe even worser the the Playstation 2's graphics. To me, the graphics are everything, I cannot play a game without good graphics. The graphics in this game are literally iOS graphics and looks horrible even though this game was optimized into HD graphics for the Mac. I think you should of tooken an advantage of the Intel Core i7 that the Macintosh is capable of.Also, there are no multiplayer capabilities which isn't very good to have in today's gaming community. Also, there are no interiors!

Even your competitor 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City' has interiors. You don't even have a safehouse to go to and I would just like to say that the physics are horrible in this game. The boat moves way too fast and the the car's drifting physics are completely horrible and unrealistic and if you have ever flown the helicopter around, you would notice the boat and car probably go a lot faster than the helicopter itself.

Also, the objects are very unrealistic because first, I can go through poles and such objects that a typical vehicle would not go through. Lastly, the game takes place in the United States. We do NOT use the metric system. I have noticed that you can unlock achievements by going so many kilometers. Next time you create a game based in the United States, you should use things such as miles rather than kilometers. I know i'm being a little picky, but if you don't start 'picking up the pace and effort' in your future versions of Gangstar,then I am afraid that Gangstar will make it nearly nowhere in the future.

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Gangstar Miami Vindication For Mac Free Download

Glad to see it - I enjoyed this game on the iPhone aside from its sluggish performance, but the only reason it's that way is because my phone is 2nd generation and very much obsolete. It's good to see it ported to the mac and everything handles pretty well. Graphics have been toned up a bit from it's iPhone predecessor and the game looks great. Controls are fairly easy to get used to but you'll find missions that require you to climb up things to be a little difficult. If this can be fixed with an update that would be awsome. Another problem i've been having is sometimes vehicles don't want to move at all. They don't want to go forward, backward but the wheels will turn.

If that can be fixed that would be great. Other than that, the game is very good.