Cng Di Ng My Passport For Mac

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The most common concern of first-time travellers is to avoid being offloaded at their chosen airport: either at NAIA or at Clark Airport. Plane tickets are booked? Hotel rooms are reserved in advance? Your day-to-day itinerary is planned and printed out for reference?

Cng Di Ng My Passport For Machine

Now, all that’s left for you to do is to check in your bags (or not!) and successfully pass the immigration here at the Philippine airport so you can wait for your airplane at the official boarding gate. If you’re clueless about the requirements, this article is made just for you. 🙂 During my first ever trip alone abroad, I was going to Tokyo to watch a Lead concert. I was only 22 years old – “fearless” and excited for my first travel abroad all by myself! But then, I got extremely nervous when my father texted me this: “Be confident sa immigration para hindi ka ma-offload. Text ka kapag lagpas ka na immigration para uuwi na kami. Kung na-offload ka, text ka din para sunduin ka namin ulit. Relax and enjoy your trip!” Reading this text, I panicked. Anong offload? Why do I need to be confident? May question and answer?

Anong sunduin ulit? Pwedeng hindi ako papasukin ng eroplano?!” It also didn’t help that I was wearing this, since #FeelingJapanese: Thankfully, the Immigration Officer (IO) assigned to me just asked me one question: “Are you alone?” to which I replied, “Yes” and all was well.

Now, the case may be different for you, so to guide you and help you avoid being offloaded, let’s get started: 1. Always bring these ★ Unexpired DFA-issued passport ★ Unexpired visa (if visa-required at final destination); and ★ Return ticket These three immigration requirements make sense, of course, since you’re going to travel as a tourist to another country. Of course, if you’re travelling on vacation, you have to make sure that you have a return ticket back to the Philippines, right? What if you’re going to Singapore but your flight back to Manila is from Bangkok? This is okay. Nowadays, Filipinos who choose to backpack in Asia are common. Just make sure that you have your return ticket with you to avoid being offloaded.

Take note of the Frequently Asked Questions during the “interview” For family travels, usually, they ask my father only. Magkakamukha kasi kami. 😀 But I’m always prepared, in case they ask me. Expect the IO to ask you a question while they’re checking your passport and flight tickets. Common questions asked are: ★ Where are you going?

Be honest, and don’t mess this one up! 🙂 ★ What are you going to do in ? Tell them you’re going on a vacation or “tour” since after all, you’re a tourist. If the Immigration Officer asks you to specify your activities, tell them specific tourist attractions in the country you’re visiting. Prepare an itinerary of your tour, since that’s what you’ll be doing, right? Pre-booking attraction tickets (theme parks/concerts/museums) is also helpful.

★ Who are you going with? If you’re alone, tell them that. If you’re going with a loved one or a friend, tell them that as well.

★ What’s your job? They may ask for your company ID so bring it. Some friends told me the IO also asked them to describe their work briefly. ★ Where are you staying? Tell them about your hotel or hostel reservation (and make sure you have a copy of the reservation!) If you tell them you’re staying with family/friend, be prepared with the official documents too. Personally, the best question I received during “interrogation” was this: 🙂 3. Prepare yourself for a “Secondary Inspection” In a perfect world, all you need to pass the immigration are these three papers + honest answers to the Immigration Officer’s questions. But, in certain events, a secondary inspection MAY be done in order to combat human trafficking, human smuggling, and illegal recruitment. If you: ★ Disclose a doubtful, false or suspect travel intent: Please be honest when answering questions.

Also, make sure you have the relevant documents to back up your answers. Telling the IO that you’re staying at a hotel – but not having any hotel reservation papers/digital copy sounds suspicious; and so is telling them you’re travelling with a family member, but not having any proof of that (birth certificate/family photos) may subject you to secondary inspection, too. ★ Your passports and travel documents/visas are counterfeit, fraudulent, falsified, simulated or tampered: Never present any fake documents. Your IO is well-trained to spot these.

★ Your totality of circumstances manifests a well-founded certainty of human trafficking, smuggling or illegal recruitment. What? Basically, Immigration Officers are professionally trained to be “judgmental”. They’re supposed to prevent drug trafficking and human trafficking, after all. They’ll supposed to a. Age: When the IO asks proof of your age, present them with your birth certificate or government ID that has your birth date. Educational attainment: If you’re required, bringing a copy of your Transcript of Records/Diploma may be helpful. Just give these if the IO asks for them specifically.

Don’t just show them agad-agad, okay? Travel history: If you’re a first-time tourist, expect the IO to question you accordingly. Remember the FAQs in #2? Show proof of financial capacity d. Financial capability for travel: You don’t need to be a spankin’ millionaire to be able to travel!

Read More – What do you need, then? Just provide proof that you can afford your trip. Make sure you have your bank certificate, Certificate of Employment and your latest Income Tax Return with you, to avoid being offloaded in case the IO asks to see them. A credit card or debit card may be helpful too. Read More Here – They just want to make sure that you’re capable of paying for your trip. Yes, it’s inconvenient to prepare all these – but it’s better than being offloaded and being denied to go on your dream vacation, right?

Cng ding my passport for mac

Be honest & confident! 🙂 As much as possible, wear decent clothing when facing the immigration. A simple pants + clean shirt + shades would be nice. Or a wholesome dress. Just don’t wear something scandalous, unless you want the IO to pay “special attention” to you. Dress like a tourist. The IO will be profiling you, so to avoid being offloaded, dress appropriately.

Be polite and give direct-to-the-point answers. No need to tell a long story. You’re not close friends with them. It’s a professional question-and-answer session. And the most important tip in this blog post? Never lie to the Immigration Officer. You have nothing to hide, so look them in the eye and relax. Don’t look nervous.

You’re going on a vacation – not delivering a speech in front of a crowd! Better yet, once you hand them your passport and boarding pass, smile. 🙂 Lastly, if there’s just one tip you remember from this guide, it’s this: tell the truth & have the necessary documents as proof. As always, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

How was your experience with the Immigration? Did you get offloaded? If not, what other tips can you add to avoid being offloaded? As always, if you have any questions/comments, let me know in the comments below and I’d do my best to help you.

😉 Live the life you love, Lianne. Hello Lianne, I’m planning to go to Dubai, UAE. I will be applying for the 90 day visit visa since I am allowed by my employer to go on LOA for 45 days. I’m currently employed here in the Philippines and planning to visit a very close friend of mine. I am able to present the ff documents: COE for travel purposes, latest ITR, Company ID, Bank Certificate, Birth Certificate, Debit Card, I can also request for a sponsorship cert/invitation by my friend as I will be staying at her place and will not book any hotel. Will that be a problem, and is there anything else I need to provide? Do you think I can pass immigration?

Is it your first time travelling? Free quicken for windows 98. I think if you already have a visa granted to you, your odds of passing are high.

Just present these IF they ask for it. Otherwise, just be confident and honest in answering their questions. Some of my friends do a mock booking of hotels, just so it’s easier. Sometimes kasi if you say you’re staying with a friend, they’ll ask for your friend’s documents + proof of your relationship. Perhaps it’s better if you “book” a hotel for like 1-2 weeks, and then you’ll stay at your friend for the rest? Dubai is notorious for human trafficking kasi, so it’s better to be safe 🙂.

If you have your best IO question, I also have mine too. 😀 I was travelling abroad with a first-timer friend. I told her to line up ahead of me so that when the IO starts to question her, I would back her up (since I am a frequent traveler).

We both work in well-known rival companies, so when it was my time to face the IO, and was asked where I am employed, I immediately told him the company name. The next question was really the most remarkable one in my entire traveling life: “Talaga? Yung friend mo sa.

nagwo-work tas ikaw sa @@@@@@? Buti hindi kayo nag-aaway?”. Hi lianne, I hope you can give me advise. 10months ako sa dubai, as tourist visa holder.

Every 3 months ng renew ako ng visa. Never ako nag work dun as in. Housewife lang tlaga ang peg. Umalis ako last may 6 2017, with my partner kasabay ko sya, sobra daming tanong smen ng io, mga pictures nmin together. Chats, etc finally napayagan naman ako, pero that time 30 days lang ang hiningi to make the long story short, di ako nkauwi sa time na sinabi nmin kay io.

I stayed for 10 mos, tpos umuwi ako last march 2018 and now, pauwi si partner ko this oct at gusto nya na ako ulit isabay. May chance ba na ioofload ako?

I need advise. Hi, We will go to Singapore this coming Oct 26 2018. We are 4, my 2 cousins and my younger sister. We also have the invitation letter from my uncle working on SG (the father of my 2 cousins) we are all 1st timers. Problem is, this is my 2nd job and still a probi in my work, my sister just got hired this september cause she is fresh grad, my cousin is working on hospital as med tech and my other is student. Epspecially my cousing working on hospital all she has is the id nothing more. Can you help?

I think having a travel history makes everything easy when it comes to PHL immigration. I recently travelled to bkk-mly-sg-ind, and was just asked by the io if I’m alone and if it was my first time, and that’s it! He never asked for any other documents, not even my plane ticket. But for first time travellers, I suggest that you prepare all documents stated above if you can.

It is also sometimes important if you bring you HMO aside from your company ID. When you approached the io, just give your passport/boarding pass/and departure card and that’s it. If he asked for other documents, i.e. Return tix, that should be the only time that you present it to them. Look confident, look them in the eye while giving your straight-to-the-point answers and you should be fine. I got offloaded yesterday bound to Singapore. I was surprised because i already have several travel stamps on my passport.

So i was confident that i could make it. Ive been to the US, UAE and Hong Kong as a tourist only but unfortunately i still got offloaded. I was placed on the so called hot seat?

Or secondary interview and got interrogated. They asked me if im employed i said i just resigned from my previous company a couple of months ago. They asked me if i have some friends or relatives in Singapore i said none. But i dont have a hotel booking since my plan was to book a hotel once i arrive in Singapore. They gave me this Compliance slip?

I was asked to provide the requirements which is for me is impossible to comply. When it comes to self confidence, yes, i can say i am over confident, but i didn’t get the reason why they decided to stop me from traveling. I was financially capable to travel.

Cng Di Ng My Passport For Mac

Got a credit card with me and an ATM card. I actually questioned the immig officers who interviewed me and they said, sorry, we cannot allow you to travel for now. So frustrating. Thinking of filing a complaint.