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Hey Ernie - nice to see you finally got a REAL Flashcards Deluxe board going - its about time!! Anyway, I did some work a little while back because I was very interested in Migrating from Anki to Flashcards Deluxe, and in particular how well it handled audio files. Migrating was easy. I took the time to write a document that outlined the steps to do it - for those interested, you can check out the following link. I even threw in a small video (more of a 'marketing' video than useful. But still I thought it was cool!). FCD is awsome.

I have done a lot more with this program since then, so will post more about it when I get a bit more time. Posts: 19 Joined: Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:38 pm. Thanks Radiator for posting this. For any user interested in exporting from Anki, the trick is to export as 'Facts in Tab separated Text File (.txt)' which will create a text file that Flashcards Deluxe should be able to read. The exported text may be filled with html coding, but this app can handle that.

One complication might be pictures and sounds, as Anki has its own way to signal these in the text file. If you put this text file on your own server and import directly into the app, it should work fine, as there is special logic to interpret Anki's formatting. If you try to upload to my website, it will will not understand the picture and sound definitions, so the text will need to be cleaned up first in this case. Site Admin Posts: 4282 Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:12 pm Location: San Francisco / Taiwan. Ben, Statistics can be import/exporting into my app using the normal text file.

If you export a deck with statistics, you'll see a 'Statistics 1' column with a string of values. Interval (the basic statistics in spaced repetition) is in there. The format of this statistics string can be found in the following Excel file: I have some formulas in the Excel file that can split apart the pieces and put them together. So, you can manipulate them and import them back with your flashcard data.

As for Anki, I don't really support any quick conversions from Anki. But below are a couple links that might be helpful 1) General method to transfer from Anki without statistics: 2) Very technical approach to transferring statistics from Anki that a user posted: Ernie Site Admin Posts: 4282 Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:12 pm Location: San Francisco / Taiwan.

First, make sure you are doing the following: In the dropbox download screen, tap the gear icon at the top right and change 'Text Format' to 'Basic TSV'. ('TSV' will interpret quotes differently.) Others who have had success probably did not have sounds. If you have sounds, try the following workaround: 1) Import as usual 2) Export back to Dropbox 3) Open the text file and delete the header row that looks like:.

media-dir. 4) Save and re-import that text file. Hopefully that will work.

Importing anki pictures shows them different than normal (anki = imbedded in the web page vs normal = in their own picture control). You might find problems with how pictures are shown. I'll consider adding better support for Anki imports in the next update, I just haven't made this a priority. Site Admin Posts: 4282 Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:12 pm Location: San Francisco / Taiwan. Instructions to import an Anki deck into Flashcards Deluxe Note that statistics are not imported using this method. In Anki, export deck as 'Facts in Tab separated Text File (.txt)' If you have media files, put media directory in same directory as text file and rename as documented below.

You can import the text file using the /Dropbox/Flashcards Deluxe/ folder, or any public web location: Dropbox - private 'Flashcards Deluxe' folder - Media folder is named same a text file without '.txt' and with ' Media' added (e.g. 'mydeck.txt' - 'mydeck Media ' - Choose 'Basic TSV' format in Dropbox setting screen Any web location, such as Dropbox public folder - Media folder is named same a text file without '.txt'. 'mydeck.txt' - 'mydeck ') - Enter URL of text file as 'Deck Code' in Add Private Deck screen If you have sound files, Flashcards Deluxe can tell it's an Anki file. Otherwise, you can explicitly tell Flashcards Deluxe it's an Anki file by adding the follow header text at the top of the text file:. anki 1 (the two spaces above are a TAB) Doing this is not required but has the following benefits: 1) You don't have to manually select 'Basic TSV' format for Dropbox imports 2) Pictures will be shown using picture control (instead of as html img) which has some benefits like auto-resize and zoom ability Site Admin Posts: 4282 Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:12 pm Location: San Francisco / Taiwan. Hi, I just imported a deck from Anki 2.

I exported a deck from Anki 2, as Notes in Plain Text (.txt), and uploaded a 'Deck.txt' file and a 'Deck Media' folder to Dropbox, and then imported 'Deck' to Flashcards using the Basic TSV setting. When I view the cards, it looks good, but when I browse, I see HTML tags and entities (, &. Arta, I'm not sure, but. In card listing and card view, the app will hide html tags that are in (for a cleaner look).

If you edit a side (with the keyboard showing), the html tags will get shown for your editing. I don't try to hide html not in, such as &. If the text disapears after you edit, maybe you've screwed up the html. Do you have all your text inside some html tag: ', which would hide it because the app thinks it's html? It possible, you might want to get rid of all html in the text file bofore importing. For line breaks, use a (shift = pipe) to signal a linefeed. Site Admin Posts: 4282 Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:12 pm Location: San Francisco / Taiwan.

Hello everyone, I just bought a Deck containing some 4k cards for Anki, but I for this deck I prefer using Flashcards Deluxe. I'm grateful to Anki for allowing to export and import decks. The approaches that I see higher above in this thread don't seem to be available anymore, so this is what I've done (from Anki 2.1.1): 1. I exported as 'Notes in Plain Text (.txt)', including tags (not sure what 'tags' mean but I assume they are HTML tags.

It won't affect media, I guess.), as 'foobar.txt' 2. I opened the file foobar.txt in LibreOffice Calc and added a header row with Text 1, Text 2, Text 3, Sound 1, Category 1 3. For every sound file, which looks like sound:filename.mp3, I stripped the 'sound:' and ' bits.

I went to C: Users Manuel AppData Roaming Anki2 msoutopico collection.media and copied all the mp3 files to 'foobar Media' folder in my 'C: Users Manuel Dropbox Apps Flashcards Deluxe' folder. Import the deck in FCD in my iPad. That's as good as I can get. It downloads all the media except for some rows where there are more than one mp3 file, e.g. 'sound:sound1.mp3sound:sound2.mp3' (it seems the deck I purchased uses one mp3 file for each word in the first column). In those cases, I have separated them as 'sound1.mp3;sound2.mp3', in the hope that FCD could understand it and read it well, but that's not the case. Does anyone have any tip what I could do to have all sounds files read?

(other than merging them manually, of course) Thank you! Manuel Guest. Hi Manuel, Your approach looks exactly correct. Flashcards Deluxe only supports a single sound file on a side. Possible workarounds: 1) combine sounds into single file, as you mentioned, which is likely troublesome 2) move the sound to the 'Sound 2' column, which could then be played when viewing side two 3) Move sound to say 'Sound 3' column and create a custom Card Layout. This would be a little tricky to set for those not familiar with card layouts in my app. You could set a card layout as follows: side 1 = text 1 + sound 1; side 2 = sound 3; side 3 = text 2 (answer).

So your side 2 would be just then 2nd sound clip. The app should skip this side if nothing in Sound 3.

A similar solution would be to move the answer side 3 and use Sound 2 just when it exists. I like having answer in Text 2 as default layouts will work well in this case, with just the optional sound on side 3 if exists.

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Unless a custom layout used. Site Admin Posts: 4282 Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:12 pm Location: San Francisco / Taiwan. Thank you for your reply, Ernie.

Yet, I've done a bit of research and have found another workaround: basically I run a command line script to merge the mp3 files. For example: @echo off title Merge mp3 echo I will merge some mp3 files pause echo Merging tcav01-009.mp3 and tcav01-010.mp3 as tcav01-009-010.mp3 copy/b tcav01-009.mp3+tcav01-010.mp3 tcav01-009-010.mp3 move tcav01-009.mp3 merged move tcav01-010.mp3 merged With a few regexes I can easily convert all lines containing a semi-colon (e.g. Sound1.mp3;sound2.mp3) to the format above, i.e.

Cheers, Manuel Posts: 2 Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:23 am.