Tlcharger Franais Free Word Like Software For Mac

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Are you referring to the Undo button? You'll see a tooltip Undo Typing when you hover your mouse over it.

Telecharger Francais Free Word Like Software For Mac

Telecharger francais free word like software for macTlcharger Franais Free Word Like Software For Mac

If using Undo is causing crashes, you may be experiencing disk errors. Please try the following:.

Open ApplicationsUtilitiesDisk Utility. Select your hard disk in the left-hand panel. Click on the Verify Disk button. Disk Utility will check the health of your disk.

Telecharger Francais Free Word Like Software For Mac

If it comes back with errors:. Restart from an installation DVD or other startup disk. Rerun ApplicationsUtilitiesDisk Utility, select your normal hard disk and choose Repair Disk. Restart from your normal hard disk and test if you can use undo without a crash occurring. Enabling Time Machine to back up files as you go is probably a good idea until you're sure Word is stable. If it's not the Undo button, please clarify. Brandwares - Advanced Office template services to the graphic design industry and select corporations.

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